
We advise and support executives, directors, board members and partners in their negotiations with respect to their appointment, required contracts and in case of a possible termination.

Further, we advise and represent you, if necessary in court, in case of possible disputes. We handle a broad range of matters, including:

  • employment and management agreement, consultancy agreements and agreements of partners
  • international executives (to be) posted to the Netherlands
  • international executives (to be) posted abroad
  • remuneration: salary, bonuses, commissions and incentives
  • employment benefits
  • equity arrangements
  • suspension, garden leave and release of duties
  • post termination restrictive covenants
  • exit clauses
  • settlement agreements
  • termination procedures
  • shareholders meetings
  • court proceedings

As we have extensive experience in representing employers and do so on a daily basis, we can anticipate, act and respond appropriately to the arguments and claims to be expected from your employer in such matters. We help you in determining an effective strategy.

At Doorn en Keizer we have several specialists, who are there to support you in all things employment law related.